Creating charts
Charts are supported starting from version v0.7.0. This documentation explains how to use them.
Charts in PSHTML are supported through Charts.js.
In order to create a graph in pshtml, a few key things needs to be respected.
- A script tag with a reference to Chartjs library
- A canvas with a specific ID
- A dataset
- A chart which contains the dataset(s), and which is assigned the CanvasID.
Reference to Chart.js
A script tag must point to the chart.js / chart.min.js file.
script -src "" -type "text/javascript"
You must create a canvas on your page, using the canvas
tag and it must have an id.
canvas -Height 400px -Width 400px -Id $LineCanvasID {
A dataset need to be created using the New-PSHTMLData* cmdlet.
$Data1 = @(34,7,11,19)
$dsb1 = New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet -Data $data1 -label "March" -BackgroundColor ([Color]::Orange)
$dsl1 = New-PSHTMLChartLineDataSet -lineColor "cyan" -Data $data1 -label "March"
$colors = @("yellow","red","green","orange")
$dsp1 = New-PSHTMLChartPieDataSet -Data $data1 -label "March" -BackgroundColor $colors
$colors = @("yellow","red","green","orange")
$dsd1 = New-PSHTMLChartDoughnutDataSet -Data $data1 -label "March" -backgroundcolor $colors -hoverbackgroundColor $Colors
The Chart
The actual chart, needs to be created in a script tag.
script -content {
$Data3 = @(4,1,6,12,17,25,18,17,22,30,35,44)
$Labels = @("January","February","Mars","April","Mai","June","July","August","September","October","November","december")
$dsb3 = New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet -Data $data3 -label "2018" -BackgroundColor ([Color]::blue )
New-PSHTMLChart -type bar -DataSet $dsb3 -title "Bar Chart Example" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $BarCanvasID
Full code
The full code:
import-module PSHTML
$BarCanvasID = "barcanvas"
$HTMLPage = html {
head {
title 'Bar Chart'
body {
h1 "PSHTML Graph"
div {
p {
"This is a bar graph"
canvas -Height 400px -Width 400px -Id $BarCanvasID {
script -src "" -type "text/javascript"
script -content {
$Data3 = @(4,1,6,12,17,25,18,17,22,30,35,44)
$Labels = @("January","February","Mars","April","Mai","June","July","August","September","October","November","december")
$dsb3 = New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet -Data $data3 -label "2018" -BackgroundColor ([Color]::blue )
New-PSHTMLChart -type bar -DataSet $dsb3 -title "Bar Chart Example" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $BarCanvasID
$OutPath = "$Home\BarChart1.html"
$HTMLPage | out-file -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding utf8
start $outpath