PolarArea chart



In the following example, we create a Polar Area chart dataset, with labels, specific colors, and the data of course.

$Labels      = @('January',   'February', 'Mars',     'April', 'Mai',       'June',   'July',    'August',      'September', 'October', 'November', 'december')
$Data1       = @(17,          25,         18,         17,      10,           28,      35,         50,           44,          10,        32,         72)
$Colors      = @('red',       'Cyan',     'DarkCyan', 'green', 'DarkGreen', 'yellow', 'Orange',  'grey',        'DarkGrey',  'blue',    'Magenta',  'DarkMagenta')
$HoverColors = @('DarkGreen', 'yellow',   'Orange',   'grey',  'DarkGrey',  'blue',   'Magenta', 'DarkMagenta', 'red',       'Cyan',    'DarkCyan', 'green' )

$dsb1 = New-PSHTMLChartPolarAreaDataSet -Data $data1 -BackgroundColor $Colors -hoverBackgroundColor $HoverColors

It is important to keep in mind, that the array of values which are past through each parameter going hand in hand together. For example, the data related to January , represent 17 will be red and will turn darkgreen when we hover on it. Labels are actually passed into the chart for PolarArea chart.

Creating a PolarArea chart

New-PSHTMLChart -type polarArea -DataSet $dsb1 -title  'PolarArea Chart Example' -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $AreaChart

Combining everything together

import-module PSHTML

$PolarCanvasID = "barcanvas"
$HTMLDocument = html { 
    head {
        title 'Chart JS Demonstration'

    body {

        h1 "PSHTML Graph"

        div {

            p {
                "This is a polarArea graph"
            canvas -Height 400px -Width 400px -Id $BarCanvasID {



        script -src "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.3/Chart.min.js" -type "text/javascript"

        script -content {

            $Labels      = @('January',   'February', 'Mars',     'April', 'Mai',       'June',   'July',    'August',      'September', 'October', 'November', 'december')
            $Colors      = @('red',       'Cyan',     'DarkCyan', 'green', 'DarkGreen', 'yellow', 'Orange',  'grey',        'DarkGrey',  'blue',    'Magenta',  'DarkMagenta')
            $HoverColors = @('DarkGreen', 'yellow',   'Orange',   'grey',  'DarkGrey',  'blue',   'Magenta', 'DarkMagenta', 'red',       'Cyan',    'DarkCyan', 'green' )
            $Data1       = @(17,          25,         18,         17,      10,           28,      35,         50,           44,          10,        32,         72)

            $dsb1 = New-PSHTMLChartPolarAreaDataSet -Data $data1 -BackgroundColor $Colors -hoverBackgroundColor $HoverColors

            New-PSHTMLChart -type polarArea -DataSet $dsb1 -title  'PolarArea Chart Example' -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $BarCanvasID

$OutPath = "$Home/PolarChart1.html"
Out-PSHtmlDocument -OutPath $OutPath -Show