Learning by doing

The easiest way to get a grasp of how to use PSHTML is to check out the Examples. Find below a few examples to play with.


Since version 0.4 it is possible to build websites using templates. The following example showcase how this works:

Example04/Example04.ps1 contains the following sample code:


        h1 "This is an example generated using PSHTML Templates"

        include -name Body

        Include -Name Footer

Assuming that Example4/body.ps1 and Example/Footer.ps1 contains the following pshtmlcode:


    h2 "This comes from a template file"


div {
    h4 "This is the footer from a template"
        "Copyright from template"

Would generate the following code:

        <h1>This is an example generated using PSHTML Templates</h1>
        <h2>This comes from a template file</h2>
            <h4>This is the footer from a template</h4>

Generating a (very) basic form

form "MyPage.php" post _self -Content {

    input "text" "FirstName"
    input "text" "LastName"
    input submit "MySubmit"

Which generates the following code:

<form action="MyPage.php" method="post" target="_self" >
    <input type="text" name="FirstName" >
    <input type="text" name="LastName" >
    <input type="submit" name="MySubmit" >

Generating a HTML Table

$proc = Get-Process | Select-Object -Skip 8 -First 10
$css = 'body{background:#252525;font:87.5%/1.5em Lato,sans-serif;padding:20px}table{border-spacing:1px;border-collapse:collapse;background:#F7F6F6;border-radius:6px;overflow:hidden;max-width:800px;width:100%;margin:0 auto;position:relative}td,th{padding-left:8px}thead tr{height:60px;background:#367AB1;color:#F5F6FA;font-size:1.2em;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase}tbody tr{height:48px;border-bottom:1px solid #367AB1;text-transform:capitalize;font-size:1em;&:last-child {;border:0}tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#E8E9E8}'

html {
    head { 
        style {
    body {
        ConvertTo-HTMLtable -Object $proc -Inline -properties Id, Name, Handles, StartTime, WorkingSet
}  | Out-File 'C:\temp\Example-ConvertTo-HTMLtable.html'

Which generate the following HTML page :

screen shot of PSHTML ConvertTo-HTMLtable results

Dynamic pages:

It is possible to couple PSHTML with other cool technologies such as nodejs or Polaris.

Read the following example on how to do this (Thanks to chen!!)