
PSHTML locations is a simple concept which applies for Assets and Includes.

There are currently two possible location to host your Assets'/Includes`:

  • Module
  • Project


The module location referes to the PSHTML module folder. By default, it is located at $ModuleRoot\Assets for assets and $ModuleRoot\Includes for include files.

PSHTML shipts with the following assets out of the box. - BootStrap - JQuery - ChartJS These assets are located in the PSHTML module folder ($ModuleRoot\Assets)

PSHTML doesn't ship with any includes out of the box.


The project location referes to the folder containing the script with the PSHTML code is located. In other words, the Project location is the root folder of your script. The assets and Includes folders are accessible respectivly via $PsScriptRoot\Assets and $PsScriptRoot\Includes

by default, neither the Assets nor the Includes folder are present in the Project folder. To start using assets or includes on the Project location, simply create a folder (Assets / Includes depending on your need) at the root of your script. Add the Assets / includes in the corresponding folders and Re-import the PSHTML module (Import-module PSHTML -Force). The newly added Assets / Includes will be available via intelisense.

Priority order

PSHTML will search for Assets and Includes in the Project location first followed by the Module location. If there is a conflict (Two assets or two includes with the same name on different locations) then the Project location will win.